Monday, April 4, 2011

april 5.

Text:  Romans 1-3

Speaker:  Daniel Castelo, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Theology at SPU.

Dr. Castelo is a member of the Steering Committee of the Pentecostal-Charismatic Movements Consultation of the American Academy of Religion as well as the Intercultural Studies Chair of the Wesleyan Theological Society

Big Picture: Prepare for an exciting introduction to the book of Romans!  Perhaps no book of the Bible has had a greater influence on the course of Christianity than Paul’s Epistle to the Romans.  A fascinating feature of this epistle is that it is a letter and then some.  As seen in the break from normal letter writing in 1:2–6, the Epistle to the Romans is mostly a discourse, a “big ideas” document, and so an expansive statement of Paul’s account of Christian belief. This quality has led many to label Romans “the core” or singular summary of Christian theology, thereby prompting its use as a “road to salvation."  

We're excited to study with you this spring.

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