Monday, April 18, 2011

april 19.

Text:  Romans 5-6

Speaker:  Celeste Cranston, M.A., Director of the Center for Biblical and Theological Education 

Big picture:  This text from Romans lays out a glorious and easily understood reason to celebrate in the first two verses: we’ve been justified, we have peace with God, we have gained access into this grace in which we now stand, and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.  However, the second half of the passage lays out another kind of celebration and another work of grace in our lives.  It’s not so easy to rejoice in our sufferings, but as we do so we are formed into the very people God wants us to be.  This inward work is not something done to us, but rather something that happens in us as we allow God’s love to be poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.  

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