Monday, November 8, 2010

november 9.

Text:  Genesis 25:1-36:42

Speaker:  Dr. Richard Allen Farmer, one of those amazing jack-of-all trades.  He has experience as a pastor, a pianist, and a college chaplain.

(Also, according to his bio, he is a certified scuba diver, a motorcyclist, a Segway rider and an instrument-rated airplane pilot.  Wow).

For more info on Dr. Farmer, check out his web site or his blog.

Big picture:  After Abraham and his family are chosen to be God's agents in the world, the rest of Genesis tells the story of this family and their development into a nation.  They are an imperfect, struggling people, both successful and unsuccessful in their mission to be a blessing.  After a particular episode of wrestling with God, Jacob's name is changed to "Israel"--the identity of this people is decided. 

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