Sunday, November 14, 2010

november 16.

Text:  Genesis 37:1-38:30

Speaker:  Dr. Stephen Michael Newby, director of the Office of University Ministries and the Center for Worship and SPU's Gospel Choir and Worship Arts Ensemble.

(fun fact:  Dr. Newby majored as a performance major on the flute for his undergraduate degree at Madonna College). 

Big picture:  The narrative of Judah and Tamar is strangely set into the beginning of the Joseph story.  But these two incidents share a common message: that God's plan for this family and nation will move forward, even if by strange (even profane) means.  Through the abuse and enslavement of Joseph, the nation will be saved.  Through the abuse and deception of Judah and Tamar, the line will continue.  And we learn that God may redeem methods and people that we once considered out-of-bounds. 

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