Monday, March 7, 2011

march 8.

Text:  Matthew 26:1-28:20

Speaker:  Joy J. Moore, Associate Dean for Black Church Studies and Church Relations at Duke Divinity School.

Moore is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church. She previously taught homiletics, and provided pastoral ministry and administrative leadership in the UMC before joining the Divinity School. A frequent speaker and retreat leader, Moore has held pastorates in rural urban and suburban Michigan.

Big picture:  In the last section of Matthew we find Jesus facing the consequences for his teaching. His challenge of the current systems is requited with judgment and condemnation. Yet, through his willing death, Jesus fully and completely lives into his attested kingdom of selfless generosity. When all hope seems lost and his words appear empty, Jesus is resurrected as a final, victorious proclamation of the success of God's kingdom. The resurrection offers hope and assurance that our work is not in vain.